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- E-mail :scale@9figuremarketing.com
With our Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) service, we dig deep to find out where your current website or sales funnel is leaking money. Too many businesses, companies, and organizations are currently losing tons of money for a simple reason: they’re not fully optimizing the resources they have.
Imagine being able to increase a landing page currently converting at say 20% to 40%. If it brings in say $50,000 a month in revenue, by the virtue of upping the conversion rate to 40%, that’s an automatic $100,000 in monthly revenue up from the previous $50,000. That’s the power of Conversion Rate Optimization.
Here’s how we do it: first, take a look at what’s currently not working. Then we invite our team of copywriting experts to fix the copy. After this, our designers redesign the layout, and everything in between. When this is done, then we start AB testing your conversion and double up from there. After all said and done, prepare for a sharp increase in income and revenue in your business.
Here are the steps:
Heatmap tests to see what’s wrong
Invitation of the copywriting team
Redesign of the entire layout and structure